What’s Abstract About Excel?

As a Telecoms Technical manager, your job is often about speed.  Make a report faster. Prepare a presentation faster.  Forecast usage faster.  Analyze a problem faster.  Create a budget faster.  See the pattern? Youʼll use Excel to create models in all these examples; make assumptions and build them into those models.  Often, there will be …

Excel Telecom Tricks – 2-Color Series

In Telecoms we deal with data.  Lots of data.  Tasks such as budgeting, analyzing, reporting and forecasting use this data. This data buries your desk.  You yourself might actually be stuffed with data.  We gorge on data and starve for information. Amidst all this data is a concerted search for information.  Ferreting out information and …

Find the Average of Non-Zero Values

I’ve been working on the BTS Project Tracker dashboard. I’ve found another capability that I needed to learn before I can complete the dashboard.  I need to find the average of non-zero values. I’m trying to track incomplete tasks whose duration exceeds the average duration for that task. The problem arises when calculating the average interval …