Do you drive traffic to your landing page?

Last week I posted several updates to help you upgrade your LinkedIn profile.

If you took action, visitors to your profile understand you much better and your passion to help.

Your profile is your landing page.

What should you do with it? Drive traffic to it. Get as many people as possible to view your profile. How?

Create content.

Creating content gets people to ask “who is the writer?” They’ll view your profile to find out.

Many ways to create content:
✅Like updates and articles in your Feed
✅Comment on those
✅Share on LinkedIn articles you read on other platforms
✅Ask question in comments
✅Comment, ask, and answer questions in LinkedIn Groups
✅Write your own articles on LinkedIn
✅Write articles on other platforms and share them on LinkedIn

Having a great profile is important. But your awesome profile counts for nothing if no one sees it.

It’s up to you to get people to view your profile.

You could wait until you need a job, then send a bunch of job applications. But there’s an old saying:

dig the well before the drought sets in.

Don’t wait until you need a job to “dig your well”.

👉Follow me on LinkedIn, Russell Lundberg, for more updates, insights, tips, tricks, and tactics to love a career in Telecoms.

Take action.

I’ve written a book to help Telecom Pros have a better LinkedIn Profile. It’s called Create An Awesome LinkedIn Profile.

Click to download a free chapter of my book.