Is Network Security Impossible?

Kyle A. suggested I write an article about Cyber Security and Telecoms.  It is certainly a timely request.  The last several weeks have seen the WannaCry ransomware affecting innumerable computers.  Estimates vary, but it seems probable that more than 100,000 computers around the world were affected.

Beyond this specific attack, there are no reliable estimates of the number of attacks or victims of cyber attacks.  Attackers don’t seem to be advertising their successes.  Often victims, especially companies, are reluctant to admit to being hacked or attacked.  The potential for negative publicity deters them. This reticence may benefit the attacker.

If a better understanding of the magnitude of the problem was widely known, a greater will to confront it and solve it might exist.  It is clear that cyber attacks represent an uncontrolled risk.  One that, anecdotally, seems to be growing. This risk is to everyone, not simply specific groups of users. It is this uncontrolled risk that must be addressed. Continue reading “Is Network Security Impossible?”

Cool is an Expensive Word for Engineers

Not long ago I made a video about Excel-based reporting. You can read it or just watch the video. The best part, the sexy “Only 3-steps required to update the dashboard”, starts at 5:00, and the updated report is shown at 06:15.  This is a data-rich, comprehensive report, I call it a Dashboard, and once the whole scope is understood, I feel no hesitation to call it cool!how-cool-is-that

Cool is an expensive word for Engineers. A thing must be quite special for an Engineer to call it cool. Automated Excel reporting is one of them. It was many years ago when I began to appreciate the power of Excel for Telecoms. The first time I used Microsoft Excel was on a Mac in 1989. My first computing experiences had been using UNIX Computers, and once I had even been forced to use a Compaq luggable running CP/M. But I had never before used a Mac. Continue reading “Cool is an Expensive Word for Engineers”

Don’t Apply for That Job, Yet

I’ve recently been working with a couple of very distraught folks.  People who were looking for jobs. Desperately looking.  “What the Hell am I gonna do?” looking.  Guys with babies to feed, wives to comfort, mortgages to pay for, parents needing care.  Not having a job can be worse than terrifying.  It can feel suffocating, humiliating, life-threatening, even.  The lack of control, the uncertainty, the expectations, all put a huge burden on your soul.dont-apply-for-job

Most people in Telecoms have been “between jobs” at one time or another.  It is one of the facts of life.  It is the way things are.  It’s a rough patch for sure, but you must have faith that it will pass.  As much pressure as you feel, as much stress as you are under, as bleak as things seem now, try to maintain perspective.   The desperateness of your situation and the job you seek are not the same thing.  Allowing your desperation to show in a job application can hurt your chances.

Recruiters and hiring managers will respond to people that can be hired.  You’ll get your next job because you are competent, confident and likable.  If you show the desperation you feel it will detract from your confidence and make you seem, well, desperate.  That won’t be good.  Here is what you should do instead. Continue reading “Don’t Apply for That Job, Yet”

My Telecoms Story

my_telecom_storyPeople frequently ask me about my background in Telecoms. How did I get started, where have I been, what have I done.  I decided to write my story as a blog post so that people could have a place to find it, and a single text which I might refine and improve over time.  If you want to add your own tales, please put them into the comments.

Welcome to Telecoms

My Telecoms story began when I moved to California in 1979. I needed a job and it I thought my incomplete studies as an Electrical Engineer might qualify me for a job with the telephone company. I applied and was fortunate to quickly be offered a position, one of the very best technical roles the phone company had. Continue reading “My Telecoms Story”