Stop Monthly Reporting Madness

Is this you? Every month you scramble madly to produce your standard reports.  There’s so much to do: data collection; the tedious and error-prone poking data into specific cells; tweak the charts to include the new data; check that none of those awful “#####” errors display; then hurry up, Boss wants the reports by the 4th!  Augh!

If this sounds like you, check out this short, 8-minute video.

In the video, I show a standard monthly report, produced with no errors, having 5 separate charts and a 12-month data table, all updated in only 3 steps.  Yes, that’s right, 3 steps.  1) import the data, 2) Update the Pivot Tables, 3) Print or email the report.  DONE!

I promise you that many of your reports can be much more automated than they are now.  Try it out with one of your reports.  You’ll be amazed how much time you’ll save.  Share your problems in the comments and I’ll try to help.

Click this link to download the Excel template.

Stop the Madness!
Automate My Excel Reports

No, I prefer creating my reports manually.

5 Career Boosters in 5 Minutes

Everyone says they want a better career.  But who does anything about it?  Who has the time?  But I want you to know that it doesn’t take long.  In fact, with only 5 minutes each day, you can make a big difference in your career.

Be sure to share this post with a friend so that they can build their career as easily as you build yours.

This post is a logical successor to A LinkedIn Profile That Gets You Noticed.  Using LinkedIn in this way helps your connections and helps you, too.

Start by opening in your browser.  How long did that take? Continue reading “5 Career Boosters in 5 Minutes”

How to Showcase Your LinkedIn Profile

Your LinkedIn Profile might look fabulous. But how does it help you if no one sees it? LinkedIn Groups are a great way to increase your visibility in search results.  By interacting with others in your LinkedIn groups, people doing similar things to you, you can learn so much, can teach others, and demonstrate your expertise, confidence, and likability.  There is so much to love about LinkedIn groups!

Showcase Your Profile by Actively Engaging with Groups
Showcase Your Profile by Actively Engaging with Groups

LinkedIn allows you to sign up for as many as 50 groups. That may seem like a lot.  But you should think of LinkedIn Groups as a way for a much larger audience to see your name and to understand what you’re capable of.  I encourage you to sign up for as many groups as LinkedIn allows.  There are over 2 million groups from which to choose.  Pick Groups that are both interesting for you and aligned with what you’re doing now or what you hope to be doing in the future.  The choice of groups is completely up to you. Continue reading “How to Showcase Your LinkedIn Profile”

The Reason You Aren’t Recruited

why_you_arent_recruitedDo you ever wonder why recruiters are not contacting you with job opportunities? Have you ever applied for a job then never received any response?  In both cases, there could be many reasons why.  Many of which you have no control over. But if you had the power to remove one if the most important reasons you don’t hear from recruiters, would you do it? Would you?

This is so important these days that more job seekers and career builders really need to read it. Kindly share this article with someone you know. Continue reading “The Reason You Aren’t Recruited”

Act Fast to Keep Your LinkedIn Data

For years LinkedIn has allowed subscribers to “tag” connections.  If you are already familiar with LinkedIn tags you know how marvelously useful it is.

stop-300pxSure, it could be a bit labor intensive, especially if you needed to comb through all your existing contacts to assign any newly-created tags.  But tags were a very handy way to filter your connections nonetheless.

Well, no more.  This feature has been removed from the Linkedin interface and is only available under paid subscription plans.  That change may be a consequence of Microsoft’s recent acquisition of Linkedin.  Thanks, Microsoft.

Continue reading “Act Fast to Keep Your LinkedIn Data”