I’ve been analyzing the announced bidders for the Thai 4G spectrum auctions. Maybe you’ve already read “Thai 4G Auction Bid Strategies – Jasmine”. When evaluating the positions of the 3 incumbent mobile operators the situation is especially complex. Much of this complexity is due to uncertainty about the auction rules and legal conditions. This uncertainty …
Tag Archives: ThaiTelecoms
Thai 4G Auctions – Opting Out as a Bidding Strategy
Six companies have picked up bidding documents for the Thai 4G spectrum auctions: Advanced Wireless Network (AIS); DTAC TriNet and DTAC Broadband; True Move H Universal Communication and Hutchison Telecommunications (Thailand); and Jas Mobile Broadband. With the endless changes and back and forth (we’ve already written about the uncertainty being created) the bidders must factor …
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Thai 4G Auctions – Network Implementation
Winning bidders in the upcoming 4G Auctions will be building new 4G networks in the spectrum acquired. Both TRUE and DTAC already offer 4G service, so they may already understand the challenges of building a modern 4G network. AIS, and potentially Jasmine Mobile, have not yet launched 4G service and will be working hard …
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Thai 4G Auctions Bid Strategies – Jasmine
Later this year Thailand plans to auction radio spectrum for 4G services. The Thai government, led by the National Broadcasting and Telecoms Commission (NBTC), will auction licenses in 900 MHz and 1800 MHz later this year. The Auctions 1800 MHz spectrum are scheduled for November 11th; the 900 MHz auction a month later, though the …
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