These 3 Insights changed my Telecoms career

Traveling home after the holidays, I thought about what helped my #Telecoms #career. Here’s what I came up with: ✅The best infrastructure is invisible; you only see it when it breaks. Your top priority, a reliable service, earns you no recognition. It’s a stunning paradox. But you’d better find another way to get noticed. ✅Cost …

These are the things I can do with your help.

I’ve been reviewing my 2018 accomplishments to help me craft my 2019 #GNO. Here is a preliminary list for 2019: ➜Write 500 words every day ➜Spend 1 hour/day on building my network ➜Try something new every month ➜Send my newsletter every Sunday night ➜Publish a full blog post every Tuesday ➜Engage on LinkedIn every day …

What do you do to stay warm in a freeze?

Yesterday we talked about the Network Freeze. Here’s a link to that discussion: During a network Freeze, many of your coworkers are OOTO. The pace in the office might be a little slower. Fewer meetings, phone calls, emails; fewer interruptions. There might be time to work on back-burner projects, or maybe not-yet-approved projects. I …

Does your network freeze over the holidays?

Many networks do. It’s common in Telecoms to freeze network changes during holidays. During a Network Freeze, few maintenance activities are scheduled. A freeze is smart when so many people are out of the office OOTO. Not only your own support staff but vendors and service providers, too. Any outage caused by a planned maintenance …